Attribute #6: Everything is Interconnected
Explanation: The Universal Law of Divine Oneness states that everything is connected to everything else. What we think, say, do, and believe has a corresponding effect on others and the world around us. Leaders can rise to the challenge, guiding others to lead from a heart-centered, respectful, and reverent place when dealing with challenges, breakdowns, and the demands of business, transforming the culture, mindset, and behaviors of their organizations.
"Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly." - Martin Luther King Jr.
We are always connected to Oneness which is everywhere permeating through all things, living or matter. Living and leading from this Universal Law will cause a shift in consciousness resulting in breakthrough results, while uplifting the people of the organization, and rewarding you personally and professionally.
Difference from Traditional Orthodoxy: Leading from knowing that everything and everyone is interconnected is challenging as it is not how we were taught to see the world and business. In fact, we live in a world that divides and separates us personally, professionally, religiously, politically and socially.
Key Question: How often do you notice interesting patterns, coincidences, unexplainable events, or serendipitous experiences?
Practical Application: Take time to look within to more thoroughly examine who and what you think you are not interconnected with, and what that is reflecting back to you for you to own. Consider and explore the idea that the separation exists in our own and the collective consciousness. Become curious about how our differences make us unique and don’t need to divide us. We learn about our humanity, our spirit, and each other through our differences.